The research vessel will be built by Admiralty Shipyards JSC in St. Petersburg.
Maximum length, m | 164,8 |
Maximum width, m | 26,0 |
Speed | 16 knots |
Crew | 70 people |
Scientific staff | 170 people |
Ice class | Arc7 |
Displacement, t | 25308 |
Draught according to water line, m | 8,5 |

The state contract for the construction of RV ‘IVAN FROLOV’ has been signed between the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) and the Admiralty Shipyards, JSC in March 2023.
After commissioning, the vessel will join the AARI fleet and become the new Russian polar science flagship.
The main function of the new vessel will be to support scientific expedition activities in the Arctic and the Antarctic in the interests of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with its purpose, it can be equipped with up to 20 onboard laboratories to carry out research starting from the ocean floor and up to the stratosphere. There is also an on board helicopter facility designed for two helicopters of the Ka-32, Mi-8 and Mi-38 types, a helipad and a hangar, which allows receiving and maintaining these aircrafts.
The vessel construction will be completed in 2028, and its estimated lifetime will be 30 years at least.