

The international scientific and business conference POLAR 2024 is a significant event designed to bring together scientists, representatives of federal government bodies, large businesses and public organizations specializing in work in the Arctic and Antarctic on one platform.

Key discussions of the event will be devoted to the implementation of the largest Russian scientific projects in high latitudes. Leading scientists will talk about environment changes on the coldest continent of the planet observed in recent decades, about global warming and the climate future of the planet, as well as about the development of international scientific cooperation at the poles.

The POLAR 2024 conference is dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the Russian Hydrometeorological Service.

Program of conference Polar 2024

We invite you to participate in the scientific and business conference POLAR 2024.

The deadline for submitting applications for the Scientific and Business Conference POLAR 2024

  — in direct format is not later than May 3

  — in on-line format is not later than May 13

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

Convener: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI)

Conference venue: AARI, 38, Bering str., Saint-Petersburg (entrance from Nalichnaya street).

Participation in the conference is free.