Founded | January 18, 1961 |
Time zone | UTC+0 |
Polar day | November 15 – January 28 |
Polar night | May 21 – July 23 |
Coordinates | S 70°46` E 11°52` |
Synoptic index | 89512 |
Average air temperature in summer | -1,6°С |
Average air temperature in winter | -16,6°С |

Since 2003, Novolazarevskaya station has been the center of aviation support in the international aviation program DROMLAN (Dronning Maud Land Air Network), in which 11 countries participate: Belgium, Finland, Germany, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Sweden and the UK. The runway, one of the largest transport hubs in Antarctica, is located on the ice sheet slope, to the southwest of the station.
The year-round scientific program at the station includes observations and research in meteorology, seismology, aerosol optical and ozonometric observations, magnetospheric and ionospheric observations. The station receives satellite information on the state of sea ice.
During the summer season, the station conducts research in biology, limnology, glaciology, geomorphology and permafrost studies. Global albedo is also measured astronomically and high-precision geodetic measurements of the movement of the Earth’s crust are performed.
By Dmitry Emelyanov, Fyodor Mokhnatkin, Sergey Kashin |
By Sergey Kashin, Arina Kosareva |